The Glittering Dark
The fixed stars are visceral. They hiss in my ear and lick my wrist and place a charmed necklace around my throat. They haunt me with songs I forgot and I find I suddenly remember the words. They’re the weather outside. They’re a candle going out. They coil around the heads of my friends. They glimmer behind the eyes of my partner. They are the shadow of my childhood imaginary friend. They are the image in my periphery. They teach me about trust, courage, beauty, seduction, and inspiration. They teach me about horror, grief, grit, fury, appetite, and isolation.
The fixed stars are other suns that glitter in the inky sea of the sky. They are the stories we try to tell over and over and over. Every bit of lore you’ve ever loved, any tale that burrowed so deep into your muscles it changed the shape of you, every movie that made you ache, every novel that reminded you of some part of you that you thought was hidden and impossible — they are all up there. We remember our way back to those stars when we listen, read, tell, and watch.
When you meet them, you will feel their strange shine. Maybe you’ll feel eager and greedy. Maybe you’ll feel cautious, like you’re approaching a dragon. The fixed stars are waters that do not quench your thirst. They are waters that once sipped make you feel as though you’ve never actually had such cold, clear water in your life and you now need a bottomless lake of it. I’ve had to learn to sip and not gulp when I can help it. It is so delicious.
I am Mercury’s magpie and nothing is shinier than a fixed star. They are silver trinkets that bewitch the beholder. But I could never say that I collect them. It is truer to say they collect me. They lure me with their beauty, their terror, their stories, and keep me there without any need to lock the door. I'm not going anywhere.
In case this has already sparked your interest, here’s a button so you can come see me for a fixed star reading (it’s called “The Glittering Dark: Your Stellar Companions”). I have spots available now. Or you can just keep reading. That’s also great.
I’ve been slowly working through the list of questions I received after doing an AMA on my Instagram. I've been trying to come up with a good answer to what amounted to a “why do you work with the fixed stars in your astrology practice” question.