Finding Fulfillment is here!
Finding Fulfillment is a 5th and 11th House project created by me and Kira Ryberg. It is a 3-hour, pre-recorded workshop about the 5th and 11th Houses. We also made you a guidebook that is 95+ pages long and simply gorgeous.
The workshop and the guidebook are available for immediate download on Kira’s website right now.
While the workshop and guidebook are companions and of course we recommend getting them both, they do stand on their own. If you prefer to just get one, you won’t be confused if you don’t get the other. They both have introductory material so you’ll have the basics regardless. However, the two have important differences, not just in format but in content. You can read more about what is covered in each below.
Release Sale
To celebrate the release of Finding Fulfillment, the workshop and guidebook are both on sale until Sunday at midnight! Get them both for maximum savings or download the one that suits you best.
What is “Finding Fulfillment”?
I have been talking nonstop about the 5th and the 11th Houses so if you’re like, “Maeg, we get it, tell us about what we get in the workshop and the guidebook,” I hear you, thank you for being here, and feel so free to scroll on down.
If this is the first you are hearing of this project because you’re new (welcome!) or some other reason, here’s what Finding Fulfillment is all about.
The 5th and the 11th Houses are the “happy houses” in the birth chart. The 5th is where we find joy, pleasure, leisure, and creativity. The 11th is where we find hopes and dreams — and the people, human and more-than-human, who support us in those aspirations. The 11th describes allies, friends, networks, communities, and audiences.
Of course, if you have read through these key words and felt a bit of a lurch in your stomach — same. These topics are happy but they are also hard. These houses describe the most reveling, rejoicing bounty of life and the camaraderie of sharing that bounty together. These houses describe what makes life worth living, and they describe the barriers to that very abundance and the true reciprocity of making-sharing-making.
To understand this part of your chart, whether these houses are empty or stacked with planets, is to understand what brings you true fulfillment, what it looks like for you to aspire and create and offer and receive, to spill out of yourself into the world and to dare to share what emerges, to join the fray, to join the festival, to dance with others.
Kira and I think these houses are crucial. It’s so easy to use astrology to be even more afraid of the future but astrology is about all of life, including its joy, hope, triumph, possibilities, and connection. That’s what fortifies us to face the rest. Feeling that these houses are not given their due, Kira and I wanted to make something that would begin to change that.
The Workshop
Witness two friends who are also colleagues chat about the 5th and the 11th Houses, two celestial places we’ve come to love so much. We’ll walk you through technique and storytelling over the course of 3 hours (take breaks! be cozy! it’s the 5th house, enjoy yourself! watch with friends! the 11th is the house of friends! astro watch party!).
We think you’re gonna love it.
What we cover:
our interpretations of the 5th and 11th Houses, focusing in particular on the interplay between them (that’s where the juice is!)
how houses in the birth chart even get the meanings they have in the first place
we discuss to 2 stories from fiction that we find to be very 5th/11th House coded so we can take some of the astro-jargon from our Hellenistic astrology backgrounds to something a bit more contemporary (super fun)
interpretative principles so you can understand the 5th and the 11th Houses in your chart
frequently asked questions about these places (including empty houses, stelliums, the nodes, the MC/IC when they end up there)
we go in-depth on 2 example charts to bring these interpretive principles to life
planetary rulership delineations for the 5th/11th axis
you’ll also get a transcript
It’s a lot! But we wanted it that way. We wanted it to be hefty, inspiring, and practical.
The Guidebook
We know it’s nice to have something to reference and that some people like to have things written out. So that’s how the guidebook idea started. But what began as a help sheet turned into a full-blown 95+ page drop-dead gorgeous guidebook.
The reason it is so long is because while we offer interpretive principles in the workshop, we decided to give you a “cookbook” for every rising sign. We go rising sign by rising sign and explain how the 5th and 11th houses show up for each one. It is a personal guide to understanding the gifts and challenges of this part of your chart.
What we cover:
some of the introductory material from the workshop in writing
4 in-depth chart examples (2 are in the workshop, 2 are specific to the guidebook)
interpretations for the 5th and 11th houses for every rising sign
If you have any questions, email me! Kira’s also doing an AMA today on Instagram about this project if you want to find her over on @kirastrologyy.
Finding Fulfillment has been over 18 months in the making. We’re so proud of this work, and thrilled to share it with you.